Do you automatically keep economic balance of your machine accounts when machines are being used on production cases? Or do you always remember the used machine time when updating spent hours?

No, it is not always easy to keep track on both the time spent by employee and the time spent by the different machines

However, the Agro-Economics feature can help you with that.
This is a special module developed in collaboration between Uniconta and EasyTime, especially for use in farms and machine entrepreneurs.

From EasyTime’s mobile app, you easily manage the registration of the time spent on each production project. If you wish, you will automatically be able to update machine time for up to 5 simultaneous machines at the same time. This could happen completely without having to register each machine separately. All happens in one workflow.

There are a number of smart built-in options in Agro-Economic:
For example, you can switch every machine out during the day directly in the app. And then you are not forced to keep in mind the projects where the machine time is not included. It arranges EasyTime’s built-in rules for you.

In addition, Uniconta’s expansion automatically automates the fact that those machines that have already been created as an independent “Item” in the EasyTime “Machines” group are automatically created automatically as internal machine projects.

If you already have a different financial system, but you want to run the Agro-Economics feature, it can also be done. Contact one of EasyTime’s consultants for a closer look.

Argo-economics requires both a Uniconta account and an EasyTime account.
If you are not already a Uniconta user, take advantage of Uniconta’s offer to EasyTime users for a free trial.

See all moduls click here..

Get a free online-demonstration click here..

”The people work for several foremen, so the worksheets would fluctuate between foremen. We save 70% of administrative time. The foremen do not have to keep track of a lot of worksheets and now have better time for other tasks”

Responsible for bookkeeping, Vils Entrepreneur Ltd

”Quality assurance is part of the daily work with drawings of routes and delimitations with schools and institutions, so the people are never in doubt where the boundary are”

Department Manager, Robert Meisner, Soroe Local Government

”Our 160 employees work in teams. The new system gives fewer errors and greater transparency – and better statistics”

CEO Uffe Just Pedersen, Hovedstadens Bygningsentreprise Ltd.

”After a major survey, we found EasyTime as the most user-friendly system that could also be integrated into all municipal systems”

IT Manager, Michael Leo Olin, Roedovre, Local Government

”It has been a continuous saving of approx. 135.000 euro after EasyTime was introduced – every year”.

Department Manager, Lars Ole Rugtved, Kaj Bech Ltd, Holstebro

”Easy Time Recording – our Workers finds it very easy to report hours used on projects over the mobile phone, it works perfectly”

Accountant, Kira Ludvigsen, Bo Michelsen Ltd.

”From 20 to over 160 employees today. Driving routes make registration even easier – The administration creates the route, so it can be selected by the employee with just one click”

Department Manager, Line Sjørup Hansen, Carsten Soerensen Ltd.

”We are generally happy with EasyTime because it’s easy to use for everyone. And because Golf activities have been put in advance”

Jan Hübschmann, Greenkeeper manager, Ribe Golfklub