EasyTime Package Prices

Repetitive planning with quality assurance templates, ensuring that customers are satisfied, on time – try it now.. It’s FREE

Tidsregistrering *
Vare & Materialer
Start-Stop stempelur - Simpel
Kørselsregnskab via Google maps
Diæter & andre tillæg
Fotos + GPS til sagen
Automatiseret maskintid
Start-Stop overenskomster Norm.tid + via Terminal
SMS Notifikation ved manglende norm.tid**
Udstyr & Service med dokumenter
Udlejning af udstyr
Kvalitetssikring +dokumenter og Fotos med GPS
Planlægning, gentagne service
Dokumenter, Personale håndbog & Billed m/GPS
1. og 2. godkender & roller/teams
Saldi i PDF samt Excel
HR telefonbog med selfi
HR med kategori og uddanelser dokumenteret

Time registration: There are 4 methods to choose from: Agreement daily or week schedule, Start / Stop or hours where salary type is chosen.

***) Obtain a discount agreement by signing a 1, 2 or 3 year security agreement against price increases of 5%, 7% and 12% respectively and if you are more than 20 users get a quote.

You can also put together your own package, contact us Tel.  +45 7022 1428, or ask without obligation via the form.

The one-time investment for the package:

Basic and Standard: EURO € 500

Pro and Pro+Plus: EURO € 775

*) Ad to the one-time investment in EURO (Use current rate to US $ and GP £)

Standard Integration

e.g. for Uniconta and e-conomic € 600.-

If you have a standalone version of C5, Axapta, Navision, SAP and others standalone systems  € 560.- in addition

Microsoft Business Central as well as Navision from 2015 …, standard solution extra charge of € 600.-

Union/ local Agreements and pay systems

Set up for your local agreement & special agreements € 600.- per appointment.

Setting up the integration for salary systems – get a quote per appointment.

Course in your business

We would like to visit your company – get a quote. It depends on your business location and how many participants there are at a time.

Other services

Consultant € 170.- / hour (Development and consultancy that are not related to sales – Sales are free)

Free online / phone help is included in the monthly package.

But work that should be done by the administrator – but where we are assigned the task, is considered consultant hours.

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